ohh dear god.. it has definately been awhile.

so.. like the heading says.. it has been a while.. if im not wrong. a few months.. basically been busy working n stuff(: but now i can say that i am officially UNEMPLOYED!!! haha(: feeling good mann(: so basically any normal idoit would like be lazying around n stuff right.. but noooooooo.. i had to like sit my ass [[which by the way is getting bigger]] down n plan for the juniors camp which by the way went very well(: then it came to results day which was on the 18th of dec. it was like the MOST nerve-wracking day of my life mann.. like seriously. i wont go into details.. but hey!! i passed!! i actually was the second top scorer in the whole of the NA level. i scored 3 points. that means.. 3 A1's..
this is my results:
english- A1
combined humanities-A1
combined science-B4
sooooooooooooooooooooooooo coooooooooooooooool that i passed my maths seeing that i NEVER and i mean NEVER pass my maths. i totally freaked out when mrs low called my name.. i mean i totally was NOT expecting it. like seriously. i was all prepared to like go to ITE
. im soooooo proud of edmond cause he scored like 5 points n more importantly he had A1 for his lit!! haha(: n he also had like A2 for english(: soso proud(: its really cool that the whole like click of us manage to go up(:
really really cool.. okayy.. enough.. im getting bored of myself talking.. here are some grad night photos(: