Okay so Saturday boredem's are BACK. In Full swing.
Okayy.. So I feel like talking. Cause no one interesting is online at the moment. I mean ABSOLUTELY NO FREAKIN' ONE. The saturday boredem and headache's caused by it are back. Like I said.. IN FULL SWING:( Darn it. EDMOND is off in POPULAR. Buying his French curve. Hidayah's not on. My irritating cousins arent on, so hence the lack of entertainment. And my shoulders hurt. Big time. Its like there's some tension there. Effing pain. I would like to blame it on stress but anyone who knows me, knows that the possiblilty of it being caused by the LACK of stress has a higher chances of taking its claim. Lol. Hey! I am Stressin' okay?! Im stressing over not stressing. If that makes any sense. Which I bet it doesnt.
Okayy.. lets talk about yesterday, okay so yes i blogged yesterday but i didnt exactly tell you what happend yesterday, I kinda just harped on the happenings of the past week and the week before that. SO... Had an uneventful day yesterday, not unless you count the amount of MATHS homework that we were given. ( None of which i have atempted) So after School we had to shift our classroom which I gloated about yesterday. And then I went for lunch with EDMOND:) HAHAH. I had Sliced fish soup with rice((Extra chili for me)) and he had Fishball Noddles ((Extra noddies for him)) hahah. Coke for me and some Qoo Thingy for him. somehow I feel that telling you what we ate very interesting. [[ Shows you the eminent boredem that I am experiencing now]] So we chatted, I was being rather irritating then haha. I kept talking super fast and super crapily with the constantly repeating the word ''seriously''. HAHAH. Then i had to get knocked on the head to shutup. And then we went through the traditional motion of EDMOND feigning interesting of the amount of my drink was left. HAHAH. which is usually the signal that he wants some of my drink(: Which i have no problems whatsoever(: And then we watched on the sidelines of how two Stoopid 17 year old had a ''slurping'' compettion- to see who would finish the remaing of their drinks first. How utterly childish I might add. OHH WAIT. lol. That was US. LOL. yes. childish as it was.. it was fun. I think I won, HE thinks HE won. So yes. No winner emerged, just two of the Chicken rice uncles staring at us like we were retards. HAHAH. So then, as we approached the traffic light, my radar dectected Trouble and thats why he couldnt walk me home:( Damn.
Then as usual, I came home, did the usual stuff, slept. Then I came online. Found hidayah bloted and cranky. Apparently i had to give into her and entertain her. Funny how the world works. Lol. But she's still my bitch. What can I say? Then EDMOND came online. Chatted.
Logged off cause my mum wanted to use it. And then the Night chores and routined scolding took course.
So I was awoken by my parents ''all too soft'' voices. Its like they didnt realise that they have children sleeping. So I ignored them and manged to fall back to sleep. Woke up, read my book. didnt get up from bed till like 12.30pm? Yep, Think so. Waited for EDMOND's message,ate,read,ate,chatted with him on the phone,hung up,ate and then I came online and I still am. haha. OHH!! In my previous post, I put in a song lyric. Really like that song. I like certain lines in it. *Its relevent* Hahah.
I am waiting for Harry Potter and the Socerece Stone to start. Even though I've watched and read the book like a million times.
Okay I am done for now. Cya.
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