Somebody Pinch Me(:
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Was bored..
didnt do much today.
i tried and tried but i couldent sleep in, i woke up at 8 freakin O'clock in the morning!!!
And so i decided to spread the 'JOY' of waking up early with all of friends(:
i sent them 'Wake Up' messages(: and i think i actually woke some of them up(:
sooo fun(:
then it was church for me): then i had lunch with my mum and sis(: and guess what!! it was decided that i get to plan for my sister's 21st burfday(: sooo fun(: its on the 29th of July(:
sooooooo fun(:
anyway, came home, finished up my overdue Essay(: , slept for half an hour( a first!!!) then woke up(: ate the 'Kinder Buneo' then bugged my sis to let me use the comp!!! she's a Twit .. i know!!!
Chatting with Edmond now(: complaining to him that my stomach is killing me):!! i feel like dieing!!! sooo pain!!!
okay.. i think i shall go sit on my throne and try to bake a cake(:
(sorry of the graphics(: )
Friday, July 11, 2008
im back(:
haha(: Been Missing for the past few days..anyway, back now(:
well.. today was a pretty cool day.. we had the 'Youth Day Celebrations' today.
the first and second parts of the concert was pretty boring i must say, interesting, but boring.
the last part was AWESOME and freaking HILARIOUS mann!!! A group of our 'favourite' teachers put up a skit for us(: it was soooooo freaking fun(: we had characters like the 'goody-two-shoes' played by none other the Mr Singh himself(: he was soooooo cute lah!!! (I mean not as in the 'cute' way.. as in... ohh forget it!) the 'nerds' were played by Mr William Chan and Mr Nerd Lee(: haha(: the 'mat's' and 'Bengs' of the class were: the 'Big boss'- Mr fairuz, the other 'Mat'= Mr Ahmad(along with his guitar.. so typical!) the Bengs- Mr Teddy tan(with the Fluggly shades) and the 'stand in boss'- was Mr Ray Ho(: they all did really really good(: there were other teachers acting also, but these are the few 'OUTSTANDING' ONES i wanted to point out.
haha(: the highlight of the performance for me was Mr Singh going "Teacher!TEACHER!!!!" and when he volunteered to say:" AHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAA" haha(: it was freaking funny lah!! he was practically swimming in 'his' school uniform(:
the rest of the day pass relatively fast. but i was practically sleeping in Maths lesson. hah(: i was dammnnn tired. after that we headed to the library to erm 'Study' while waiting for Wani to finish her remedial. Edmond, Fiqah, Qi Bin, Farid and Finah were there also.. notice i said "erm .. study"?? well because we were mainly crapping around and talking about 'farting'. YES! 'FARTING' ! lame.. i know.. its courtesy of Qi Bin and Farid. Farid freaking let go a STINK BOMB in front of me and Qibin and GOD! did it smell mann..
we headed home around 2plusplus. came home, SLEPT, woke up ATE and then of to com land! haha(: going to watch Ghost Whisperer later(:
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Oh god:(
ooh god!! yesterday was like soooo freaky and stuff..
like i said the other day that we were going to have our school's sports day..
it turned out to be soooo extremly freaky lahh!! i went to the event thinking that i would just be spending my time there at the stands slacking with Fiqah and Jian hui and the other Everest people.. but my day was soo not what i expected it to be.. the day began good(: I managed to wake up early and not be late for meeting Didi(: Hooray for me! then we met up with No.2,Fiqah, jun hong and Aisha( Didi's erm.. 'friend' hehe) we went to Mac for Breakfast.. then we headed for the stadium to meet Wani, her brother and Shaheen. throught out the entire sports day, i spent half of my time attending to injured runners( even though i wasn't on first aid duty).. the scariest cases were both Afiq and Natalia. I don't really want to talk about it as i wouldn't want to harp on it.. those who were there and knew what happen then you get what I'm talking about.
And so after the race, Farid, No.2, Fiqah, Kalai, DT and I went for lunch with Steph, Dayah,Angie and Randy tagging along. we went to Mac (AGAIN!) the one at khatib. haha(: it was pretty fun lah(: i had had a 'French Fries' war with No.2(: HAHA! it involved me taking or rather stealing his fries while he had his back turned(:(: Dumb .. i know!! But it was fun okay!! anyway then we WALKED ALL THE way to North point and from there the guys went to shop while the girls headed home. ( reversal of roles.. ohh god!! I'm talking about lit now!!)
Today.. nth much really happened. I went for my Accounts Lesson, came home with a splitting Headache:( then we went to aunty's house for her birthday. my cousin's fiance was there, the Singapore soccer guy, the one playing for the national team .. i think his name is Sharill (: he is sooooooooo shy lah!! haha(: but damn TALL(: came home around 10 plus plus.. and here I am! haha(:
welllllllllllllllll that's all): Getting tired now..
Thursday, July 3, 2008
okay lets talk about last night first(:
i finally got my whole entire blog thingy up , all thanks to Farid!! so i was thanking him and everything, for actually helping me to get it done.. so i went to view his blog n stuff and guess what I saw!!! Apparently theres a video on his blog with me in it!!! you can actually say that i was the 'Star' of it ( or rather my back profile ) but hte ironic thing was that i didnt even now that i was being video-ed lah!!! the video was taken by No.2 ( Ed) and Farid. we met in the morning, and they were walking behind me and god knows why they decided to take such a random video like that?? but in the end i sort of forgave farid cause he managed to get my 'DAVID COOK - INNOCENT' song on my blog.(: and so later as the night went on, i started talking to Jakeh on 'e-buddy' .. and GOD is he lame!!! i think i caught him on one of his ' im a nutter n loving every minute of it' mooods. he was being a twit.. we spent like 5 mins repeating the same thing.. ( not going to bother repeating it here.. it might take me another 5 mins) .. but it was fun but my tummy was grumbling at me for not feeding it so i had to go off. chatted with No.2 and later Steph on the phone then i managed to catch 'Dirty,Sexy,Money' on T.V(:(:
then it was to the sack(:
we basically werent in class for most of the periods .. but we were like freaking panicking about not doing our History homework!! so we spent our Maths Lesson scribbling some answers on it praying that our hist. teacher would forgive us(: but when we went to class.. our teacher when " okay class, about the homework i gave you last week, ( followed by sudden slience n tension amougst the class) can you pass it up NEXT WEEK?" And at this point practically the WHOLE CLASS SIGHED WITH RELIEF lah!! and we started laughing(:
so dumb lah...after that we had 3 periods of P.O.A (of which i totally wasted) then Me and No.2 had another 3 periods of Literature. Ha! i actually passed my essay up on time(: hooray for me!! (ehh!! i can congratgulate myself once in a while okay!!) and this is going to sound lame but i was awarded like 3quarter of a prize by Mr sim. for like answering his question.. he didnt want to like just give me a full freaking prize lah!! after that i headed home with Wani after like a week of not walking home with her for a week! wah!! i tell you arh!! she is like frreaking dumb lah( sorry but its the truth(: ) she soooooooooooooo should not try her luck at sarcasm. it would be an insult to her. anyway.. after that i went to sleep like at 4pm and didnt wake up till like 6.30 plus.. because of Hidayah lah!! she called me about some lit thingy.. n she woke me up.. luckily i didnt scream at her for disruptimg my sleep. well.. tommorow's our school's Sports Day..
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Just a tiny bit bumped:)
haha(: looks like a got a new blog huh? was 'Oral day'!! this was the 'REAL' thing!! No joke okay!! it was super nerve -racking mann.. i think i did okay.. but a little worried for my 'picture conversation' i kinda was all over the place.. but.. well... lets just pray hard lah huh.(:
The rest of the school day was okay i guess.Nothing much happened. there wasnt chemistry today, but i had to stand for TWO freaking preriods of Physics!! soo twity. No.2 was being super lame( not exactly a common thing for him, its more of me) today in calss.. i cant really remember what lesson it was that he was being lame.. he found 'Joy' in the 'bubble horn' thingy that i had, and so i gave it to him. so now im left the the blue one.
Well.. it looks like the council camp in which we ( as in the Sec 4'S) have been planning for since like the second week of the june holidays, has been cancelled. Or rather ' postponed' November.
Sad I know...but welllllll....its our 'N'levels.. what can i say??
just bumped that we can have our 'Aroma therapy' with our new pillows): ..... Look at it this way... there's always November!!!
on the brightside, i get to watch 'Ghost whisperer' n 'the lastest buzz' on friday and saturday respectively(:(: Double plus(:
well this means 'MUGGING' from now on!!!